January 2016


Why it might not be ADHD

Difficulties with a child’s attention or ability to sit still are significant concerns for a lot of parents who come to my office. They hope to find answers, and at the same time avoid over-pathologize their child. However, psychiatric diagnostics is a complex concept, and even if there is significant difficulty paying attention or holding still, it may not be

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Changing behavior: The ABCs

Understanding behaviors can be… challenging. We often hear from parents and teachers: “She won’t stop doing it, even though I’ve asked her to stop.” “It doesn’t matter what punishment I give. He still does it.” To truly understand the behavior and how to change it, we need to know exactly what the challenging behavior looks like, what “triggers it”, and

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Winter 2016 Social Skills Groups

Where students gain confidence and understanding to navigate their social world. Build social skills in a supportive peer community facilitated by masters level therapists since 2005. Online registration is now open for groups beginning January 20, 2016. Our groups help young people with Asperger’s, autism, ADHD, learning disabilities and similar traits develop the skills and confidence they need. Prioritizing each student’s needs,

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